Tagged: Basic

Basic Defense

Basic Defense

Basic Defense Even when the ball isn’t on your side of the court, it is important to be ready for it to get there. Hitting back at exactly the right time is an important defensive rule for any volleyball game. There are several techniques that can be used for the defense part of volleyball; all which will help prevent the team from missing the hit. The first thing that will need to be done as a defensive team is to be ready for the serve. The best way to do this is to make sure that everyone is positioned in...

Introduction To Basic Volleyball

Introduction To Basic Volleyball

Introduction To Basic Volleyball The worst situation that a volleyball team could be in is to show up at a game without knowing what skills they needed to win the game. Hitting the ball, being in the right place, and playing competitively can help to win the game as well as gain confidence in the sport. Focusing on the basics for volleyball can help you to gain the skills you need for every game. 1. Serving. This is what always starts the game and helps to keep the game. There are two basic types of serves. One is overhand; where...

Basic Offense

Basic Offense

Basic Offense Like any other game, you will want to be certain that you have both an offense and defense in place. This is no exception to volleyball and can help your team to play their best. Whether they are working on keeping the ball in the air, or striking out the other team, you want to make sure that some basic offense is taken into consideration by all of the players. The general rule for a good offensive team in volleyball is that they have the ability to play as a team. This will allow them to communicate the...