Tagged: Gloves

Shopping For Football Gloves

Shopping For Football Gloves

Shopping For Football Gloves There truly is nothing more exciting than playing football. I get together with my buddies every other Saturday to throw the pigskin around. My position is wide receiver and I wouldn’t have it any other way. However, it was not too long ago that I thought I might have to stop playing the position. Catching that oblong shaped beloved ball was chaffing my hands something awful, making it very uncomfortable for me to type when work rolled around again on Monday. Okay, I know, you’re screaming at me right now, wondering why if I’m such a...

Baseball Gloves For Women

Baseball Gloves For Women

Baseball Gloves For Women In the beginning, there was baseball. And, being a typically ‘male’ sport of the day, baseball equipment was designed and created to accommodate the needs of men. Of course, women’s leagues soon followed and wise manufacturers adjusted their product lines to include equipment made especially for women. Baseball is a game that is enjoyed and played by both men and women. For the most part, the equipment is universal. There is not a great deal of differentiation between bats and balls. There is, however, a need for specialized baseball gloves for women. With women’s leagues dominating...