Tagged: Serious

Mock Drafting – A Must For Serious Fantasy Football Owners

Mock Drafting – A Must For Serious Fantasy Football Owners

Mock Drafting – A Must For Serious Fantasy Football Owners Drafting your fantasy football team is a very exciting time for all fantasy football owners. As you begin your draft, you look at the players you are selecting through the first 3-4 rounds and think you are building the best dynasty in the league. As you get into the later rounds, however, you begin to struggle through your selections and the owners who have failed to put the needed research and practice into their planning will generally stand out in a very bad way. Proper planning of your fantasy football...

Serious Bodybuilding

Serious Bodybuilding

Serious Bodybuilding There is bodybuilding and there is severe bodybuilding. Severe bodybuilding encompasses training sessions, competitors, and rigorous programs of diet and supplements. People that seriously build their body have bulging biceps, titan triceps muscles and glutes of steel. Major bodybuilders take what they do exceptionally serious and every part of their mind body and spirit participates in activities that promote components that solely benefit their supreme objective. Ultimate objectives can vary within the total world of bodybuilding. There can be intermediate, moderate, and completely severe involvement in bodybuilding. There are guidelines for women and guidelines for guys, with each...