Tagged: Women

Why Women Hate NFL Football

Why Women Hate NFL Football

Why Women Hate NFL Football Most women hate NFL football; plain and simple. Of course there is the small percentage of women that enjoy it just as much as men, or perhaps even more. This small percentage of women who love watching professional football, sit right alongside the men, watching attentively, as they root for their favorite teams and players. But for the other women who hate football, all the whooping and hollering that their men do while watching football can be quite annoying. Merely the thought of watching the players running around in their tacky uniforms and cumbersome helmets...

You Too Can Buy Anabolic Steroids, Women!

You Too Can Buy Anabolic Steroids, Women!

You Too Can Buy Anabolic Steroids, Women! You’re one of the loveliest, finest and frailest creations of the God. Certainly, you have every right to improve you looks to look more beautiful, curvaceous, sexy, and gorgeous. You too can buy anabolic steroids, buy definitely, you need to take a different approach to steroid use than males do. Definitely, you can’t use all the anabolic steroids, because all anabolic steroids are not recommended for you women folks. You can buy anabolic steroids, but only a limited few, because there is only an iota of anabolic steroids that suit women. Generally, a...

Muscle Men (and Women!): How Vitamins Supplements can Help You

Muscle Men (and Women!): How Vitamins Supplements can Help You

Muscle Men (and Women!): How Vitamins Supplements can Help You There are so many benefits to getting a proper amount of nutrition that there is no way to list them all. For people who are working on building their muscles, there are certain things about vitamins and supplements that you should be aware of. First of all, the best way to get your best nutrition is through eating the right diet. There are certain aspects of the vitamins and minerals that go along with food that just can’t be found in the supplements. It is always best to eat as...

The Women On Steroids Suffer From Body Image Disorders

The Women On Steroids Suffer From Body Image Disorders

The Women On Steroids Suffer From Body Image Disorders The women on steroids experience many psychological effect and body image disorders. The women on steroids ruin their figures and femininity. The women on steroids develop male features, such as facial hair growth, breast shrinkage and increased size of the clitoris. They lose their beauty and delicacy, with hairy, course and dry skins, deep voices, big grown noses, and widened up jaws. Often they stop having normal periods. Since Rachel McLish started a new trend winning the Ms. Olympia in 1980, more and more getting into bodybuilding and steroids. According to...

Baseball Gloves For Women

Baseball Gloves For Women

Baseball Gloves For Women In the beginning, there was baseball. And, being a typically ‘male’ sport of the day, baseball equipment was designed and created to accommodate the needs of men. Of course, women’s leagues soon followed and wise manufacturers adjusted their product lines to include equipment made especially for women. Baseball is a game that is enjoyed and played by both men and women. For the most part, the equipment is universal. There is not a great deal of differentiation between bats and balls. There is, however, a need for specialized baseball gloves for women. With women’s leagues dominating...